Mar 2, 2025: Last update for Clover Retribution codes.
I have seen many anime-inspired Roblox games in my time, but Clover Retribution is the first one I’ve seen to take its main inspiration from the high fantasy series Black Clover. With Black Clover featuring some heavily D&D-esque elements, it’s no wonder that Clover Retribution plays so much like an RPG, where species skills and traits can have a huge impact on your game.
That means that, in all likelihood, you’ll need to re-spin a few times to get the character you really want to play as. Luckily, these freebie Clover Retribution codes give you extra opportunities to do just that.
Recent Clover Retribution codes
Code | Reward | |
!junglesoon2025 | 50 spins of all types (NEW!) | |
!bigupdatesoon | 25 spins of all types | |
!ghostlight | Rewards, must be in the First Kingdom | |
!gamblerscape | Rewards, must be in the First Kingdom | |
!creepingshadows | Rewards, must be in the First Kingdom |
Expired Clover Retribution codes
- !choosetrait12
- !chooserace12
- !choosemagic12
- !xmasupdate2024
- !thanksgiving2
- !randomcode2
- !november2024
- !redsblessing
- !favoritecloverfix
- !50chibis
- !halloweenfixes
- !choosetrait11
- !chooserace11
- !choosemagic11
- !freespinsyes
- !freespinsyes2
- !halloweenv2
- !freestuffagain
- !clickedequalsfalse
- !jungledesertdungeon
- !choosetrait10
- !chooserace10
- !choosemagic10
- !lephbday
- !100klikes
- !choosetrait9
- !chooserace9
- !choosemagic9
- !communitycode1
- !inventoryrework
- !stolentimev2
- !stolentime
- !choosetrait7
- !chooserace7
- !choosemagic7
- !choosetrait6
- !chooserace6
- !choosemagic6
- !choosetrait5
- !chooserace5
- !choosemagic5
- !codejustbecause
- !choosemagic5
- !winteriscoming
- !80klikes
- !iwokeup
- !holyrain
- !gauntletseason2soon
- !99percent
- !choosetrait3
- !chooserace3
- !choosemagic3
- !blackscreenfix
- !everybodywantsspins
- !freeracestorage2
- !choosetrait8
- !chooserace8
- !choosemagic8
- !getajob
- !combatv2soon
- !90klikes
- !storageupdate
- !minifixv1
- !desertdungeonsoone
- !icemagic
- !iceraces
- !icecode2
- !sandman
- !75klikes
- !magicwonagain
- !70klikes
- !choosetrait4
- !chooserace4
- !choosemagic4
- !pollcode1
- !pollcode2
- !pollcode3
- !goodnightretribution
- !grimoiregauntlet
- !sandmagic2
- !chibisoon
- !sandmagic
- !mypcisdying
- !goodmorningretribution
- !cookingsheeps
- !humanoidfix
- !mobilefixes
- !rareracepromised
- !thankyouagain
- !choosemagic
- !chooserace
- !choosetrait
- !3000clovers
- !devilupdate
- spatialroom
- spatialroomv2
- !uncode
- !yawningcode
- !promisedrace
- !magicspinswon
- !racewontoo
- !racewontoov2
- !didanybodysaycodes
- !day3stuff
- !day2update
- !shutdowncodeyes
- !appreciateyall
- !delayreward
- !update1.5stats
- !update1.5
- !freestuff
- !update2soon
- !santaiscoming
- !37klikes
- !36klikes
- !34klikes
- !communitycode
- !clovergroup
- !mobilestats
- !timestats
- !insomnia
- !clovergoal
- !cloverthanks
- !32klikes
- !28klikes
- !30klikes
- !raremagic
- !rareraced
- !spiritssoon
- !10klikes
- !12klikes
- !14klikes
- !2millvisits
- !miniupdatelater
- !update1part1
- !7klikes
- !halloweenstats
- !halloweenupdate
- !3klikes
- !4klikes
- !5klikes
- !6klikes
- !cloverfixes
- !cloverstats
- !clover_release2
- !clover_release
- !quickshutdown
How to redeem Clover Retribution codes
Not sure how to redeem codes in Clover Retribution codes? Here's a step-by-step guide so you can start claiming in game rewards:- First of all, join the Clover Retribution Roblox group.
- Then, launch Clover Retribution in Roblox.
- There are two ways you can redeem codes in game. You can either click the Chat button in the top left hand corner of the screen.

- This will then bring up a Chat window which you can type a code into. Or, you can just use the textbox underneath ‘Claim a code’ in the bottom right to enter a code.
- Whichever method you choose, you need to have ‘!’ at the beginning of the code and hit the Enter key after typing the code to redeem it.
If the code you entered is active, a notification will appear on screen letting you know it has been redeemed successfully, and listing the rewards you’ve just claimed for free. If a notification doesn’t appear then that means the code is no longer working.
Interested in more anime-esque Roblox codes? Be sure to check out our Deadly Sins Retribution codes list and Anime Adventures codes list before you leave!
We have an extensive collection of codes available for a wide variety of other Roblox games, so make sure to take a look at our detailed Roblox Game Codes posts for all the latest updates and offers.