Death Ball codes

Death Ball codes
Mar 1, 2025: Last update for Death Ball codes.

If you’ve ever wished that hockey could involve more literal fights to the death, then Death Ball might be the Roblox game for you. This frantic PvP battler does pretty much what you’d guess from the name, except there are also swords, which you might not have expected.

To stay ahead of the game in Death Ball, you’re going to need gems, which is what the majority of these Death Ball codes are here to help you out with.

Recent Death Ball codes

jiro 4,000 Gems
xmas 4,000 Gems

Expired Death Ball codes

  • 100mil
  • derank
  • newyear
  • mech
  • divine
  • foxuro
  • sorrygems
  • spirit
  • kameki
  • launch
  • thankspity
  • 2.5KLIKES!
  • 3KLIKES!

How to redeem Death Ball codes

Not sure how to redeem codes in Death Ball codes? Here's a step-by-step guide so you can start claiming in game rewards:

  • Go to Roblox and launch Death Ball.
  • Select the ‘More’ button at the top of the screen.
Arrow pointing at the button players need to press to head towards the codes screen in Death Ball.
  • Then, choose the ‘Codes’ option that has just appeared.
Arrow pointing at the button players need to press to access the codes menu in Death Ball.
  • A new ‘Codes’ menu with a textbox will then appear. Enter the code in the textbox and click ‘Verify’ to redeem.
Arrow pointing at the codes menu in Death Ball.

If the code you entered is active, you’ll see ‘SUCCESS’ appear in the textbox you just used to type in a code. The rewards included with the code will also be automatically credited to your account. If you get an ‘Invalid code’ error message instead then that means the code is no longer active.

For more Roblox experiences marrying the joys of dodgeball and ultraviolent battle royale-style combat, be sure to check out our Blade Ball codes list. For something perhaps a bit more laid-back — but no less intense in the punching department — you might also like to take a look at our Untitled Boxing Game codes list.

We have an extensive collection of codes available for a wide variety of other Roblox games, so make sure to take a look at our detailed Roblox Game Codes posts for all the latest updates and offers.


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