Hex Defender codes

Hex Defender codes
Mar 3, 2025: Last update for Hex Defender codes.

Hex Defender is a Roblox fighting game with a lot of levels, and it’s your job to get through them all. In each level, you’ll find Hexes, or hexagonal enemies that come in waves. Despite their simple, blocky appearances, they’re pretty menacing, and you’ll need to make sure your stats are upgraded to survive wave after wave of Hexes.

Luckily, you can buy stat upgrades and other perks with Cash. If you’d rather speed up the process so you can get back to fighting waves of Hexes, though, Hex Defender has codes that you can input for some pretty generous freebies to help pick up the game’s pace. These codes are typically distributed on developers’ socials, but we’ve compiled a list of all of the current Hex Defender codes to let you get leveled up as quickly as possible early on.

Recent Hex Defender codes

VDAY $1,000 and 5 Chocolate
BetterSouls $1,000 and $1,000 Event Cash
FixForTheFix $14,000
TooManyUpdatesToday $35,000
MerryChristmas $35,000 and $7,000 Event Cash
100kVisits $70,000
Sorry $7,000
1kFavs $10,000
AISettings $35,000
Release $7,000
HexDefender $7,000
DailyUpdates $35,000
CashCoinGold $5,000

Expired Hex Defender codes


How to redeem Hex Defender codes

Not sure how to redeem codes in Hex Defender codes? Here's a step-by-step guide so you can start claiming in game rewards:

  • Launch Hex Defender in Roblox.
  • Click the “Code” button in the bottom right corner of your screen.
Arrow pointing at the button players have to press to redeem codes in the Roblox game Hex Defender.
  • Enter your code in the field that pops up and hit “Submit.”

If you’re done with Hex Defender but want another Roblox game to play, head to our codes guides for Doodle World, Starving Artists, Blade Ball, and Bee Swarm Simulator. Or, if you’re looking to spruce up your Roblox character across games (including inside Hex Defender), head to our list of codes that’ll get you free items!

We have an extensive collection of codes available for a wide variety of other Roblox games, so make sure to take a look at our detailed Roblox Game Codes posts for all the latest updates and offers.


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