Project Mula codes

Project Mula codes
Mar 3, 2025: Last update for Project Mula codes.

Project Mula is a Roblox game inspired by some of the most iconic animes of all time. In this action RPG you’ll explore a huge city packed full of quests to take on, enemies to fight in supercharged anime-style battles, and opportunities to learn new abilities from martial arts masters.

Along the way you’ll also meet characters inspired by smash hit animes like Dragon Ball Z, One Piece and Naruto. If you’re struggling with the game’s many challenges, you can always redeem a couple of Project Mula codes to get a helping hand. Codes for Project Mula offer freebies like Spins, which can be used to customise your character’s race and specialisation, as well as extra items and stat boosts.

Recent Project Mula codes

Gimmespinsnow 50 Spins
Gimmespinsnow2 50 Spins
100spincodeyay2 100 Spins
100spincodeyay 100 Spins
codes4me 10 random items (req lvl 500)
SubToTaklamanM Rewards
rinneganupdate Rewards
10rare Rewards
fortune4newcode Rewards
redgems10x Rewards
plusultra4sure Rewards
newcode33 Rewards
universereset Rewards
almostback Rewards
50spinscode4 Rewards
50spinscode3 Rewards
50spinscode2 Rewards
50spinscode Rewards
25kneedles Rewards
moremangekyos Rewards
newmangekyos Rewards
newspins4races Rewards
3kupupupupup Rewards
needmorecodes Rewards
sharinganupdate Rewards

Expired Project Mula codes


How to redeem Project Mula codes

Not sure how to redeem codes in Project Mula codes? Here's a step-by-step guide so you can start claiming in game rewards:

  • Launch Project Mula in Roblox.
  • Once you drop in-game click the ‘Settings’ button on the left.
Arrow pointing at the button players need to press to access the settings menu in Roblox game Project XXL.
  • This will open up a ‘Settings’ menu with a textbox in the bottom right-corner that says ‘Enter Code’.
Arrow pointing at the menu used to redeem codes in Roblox game Project XXL.
  • Simply type a code into the textbox. You don’t need to press ‘Enter’ afterwards, if the code is valid it will register automatically.

If the code you entered is active it will disappear from the textbox, and above the ‘Settings’ menu a notification will appear letting you know what in-game goodies you have claimed for free. But if nothing happens then that means the code is no longer working. Codes for Roblox games are usually time sensitive, so make sure you act quick if you see a code you like the look of for Project Mula.

Just finished a game of Project Mula and looking for something else to play on Roblox? If you want to stick with anime-inspired experiences then check out our lists of Blox Fruits codes, Anime World Tower Defense codes, Anime Adventures codes and Shindo Life codes to earn plenty of useful freebies. For help with other popular games head to our Arm Wrestle Simulator codes, Blade Ball codes and Untitled Boxing Game codes pages.

We have an extensive collection of codes available for a wide variety of other Roblox games, so make sure to take a look at our detailed Roblox Game Codes posts for all the latest updates and offers.


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